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The Rookies 2023 : ESMA students praised for the excellence of their work

News . 03 Aug. 2023
Cycle Pro Animation 3D & Effets Spéciaux

The international competition – which celebrates emerging talent in the animation and digital special effects sector – was held last month. Among the winning projects were two ESMA graduation films that have already attracted a lot of attention!

What is The Rookies ?

For ESMA students, The Rookies is a must! The major international competition – which each year highlights young talent in the 2D/3D animation, video game, visual effects and computer graphics sectors in the broadest sense – is a guarantee of quality and a line on the CV that never fails to arouse the curiosity of the most intransigent recruiters. So, for this 2023 edition, many ESMA students have submitted their projects in the hope of seeing their work rewarded.

L’ESMA well represented at the 2023 edition

Of the 52 films competing in the “Films of the Year 3D” category, the school is proud to announce that the work of its students has been recognised twice.

Firstly, it was the graduation film Swing to the Moon, directed by Marie Bordessoule, Chloé Lauzu, Adriana Bouissié, Vincent Levrero, Nadine De Boer, Solenne Moreau and Elisa Drique, which took 2nd prize in the category. This is not the film’s first award, having won Best Student Project at Siggraph last June.

Another project to emerge from the competition was the short film A Cookie’s Adventure, directed by Jérémie Amicone, Camille Triponney, Ileana Borzan, Zoé Rivera, Myriam Lecomte, Alexis Bleusez, Margot Lemasçon and Romain Tersigni, which was awarded the “Highly Recommended” mention.

international recognition

In the animation and visual effects sector, the results of The Rookies are scrupulously scrutinised. The competition, which enjoys an uncompromising reputation, is acclaimed by industry professionals for the quality – both technical and artistic – of the projects it rewards. The event is also an opportunity to highlight the talent of tomorrow, which many companies are keen to integrate into their teams. ESMA’s former students, who stood out in this year’s competition, should be able to take advantage of this considerable advantage. A big well done to them !