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Take part in a workshop to learn all about 3D

News, School . 02 May. 2024
Cycle Pro Animation 3D & Effets Spéciaux / Toulouse

Get an exciting insight of our 3D animation training by exploring the endless possibilities of MAYA software!

Every Wednesday afternoon (from 15 May to 12 June), at the Toulouse campus, a workshop specially designed for high school and university students of all levels offers participants an exclusive opportunity to explore the basics of 3D animation and familiarise themselves with the essential features of MAYA, one of the most widely used software packages in the animation industry. Whether you’re a novice or already have an interest in this field, this workshop will enable you to discover different aspects of creating 3D animations.

Under the expert supervision of our qualified teacher, you will have the opportunity to create an animation and explore stage lighting techniques, offering an authentic insight into what awaits you in our comprehensive 3D animation training course.

Moreover, you’ll get a preview of the teasers for the final movies made by students in the 3D Animation & Special Effects Professional Cycle… These movies, currently in production, will be revealed in September 2024 in front of a panel of animation studio representatives, at the Gaumont multiplex cinema in Montpellier, during the Esma 3D Grand Prix.

  • Free workshops, for high school and university students redirection at all levels
  • Every Wednesday from 2.30pmp to 4.30pm in Toulouse

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