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Shorts films selection for May 2024

News, School . 31 May. 2024
Cycle Pro Animation 3D & Effets Spéciaux

Discover the short films by our students in the 3D Animation and Special Effects programme, selected and awarded at numerous festivals around the world during the month of May…


  • Selected for the Palm Springs International ShortFest – Palm Spring, USA (festival said to qualify for the Oscars)
  • Selected at SIGGRAPH, part of the ANIMATION THEATER DAYTIME SELECTS programme – Denver, USA


– Won the BEST STUDENT ANIMATED FILM AWARD at the 15th International Animation Film Festival Golden Kuker – Sofia, Bulgaria



  • Selected at SIGGRAPH, part of the ANIMATION THEATER DAYTIME SELECTS programme – Denver, USA
  • Selected for the Golden Kuker International Animation Film Festival – Sofia, Bulgaria
  • Selected for the Alain Resnais Animation Short Film Festival -Vannes, France


Vol 666


– Won the 1ᵉʳ award at the Athens Animfest 2024 in the Student Awards category.


All about area 51

  • Selected at the Alain Resnais Animated Short Film Festival -Vannes, France


As the sun goes down

  • Selected at the Golden Kuker International Animation Film Festival – Sofia, Bulgaria



  • Selected for the Malescorto Festival – Italy



  • Selected at the RAVENHEART INTERNATIONAL FILM Festival – Norway, Oslo


Death was at the RDV

  • Selected at the Alain Resnais Animated Short Film Festival -Vannes, France



  • Selected at the Golden Kuker International Animation Film Festival – Sofia, Bulgaria


L’ogre du Danube

  • Selected at the Lille International Short Film Festival, France
  • Selected at the Alain Resnais Animated Short Film Festival -Vannes, France


Paper Plane

  • Selected at the Alain Resnais Animated Short Film Festival -Vannes, France



  • Selected at the Alain Resnais Animated Short Film Festival -Vannes, France


Spurs out

  • Selected at the Golden Kuker International Animation Film Festival – Sofia, Bulgaria


T’as pas du feu

  • Selected at the Golden Kuker International Animation Film Festival – Sofia, Bulgaria


See you next month for news of the awards and festival selections!

In the meantime, you can watch the teasers for these films on our Youtube channel!

ESMA Movies – YouTube