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ESMA at the core of Le Voyage à Nantes 2024 : a synergy of creativity and innovation

News . 08 Jul. 2024

Every summer, Nantes becomes the setting for a major cultural event : Le Voyage à Nantes. Internationally renowne”d, this event transforms the city into an artistic and cultural journey, inviting visitors to discover ephemeral installations, exhibitions and performances throughout the city. In 2024, as in previous years, ESMA Nantes is proud to be part of this exceptional journey.

Le Voyage à Nantes : a cultural reference

Le Voyage à Nantes is more than just an event : it’s a veritable institution that, since its inception, has energised the city and attracted visitors from all over the world. Every summer, the event transforms urban spaces into artistic stages, showcasing the cultural wealth and artistic innovation of Nantes. The carefully designed itinerary offers an immersive experience where art and the city become one, creating unique moments of discovery and contemplation.

A fruitful partnership with l’Île de Nantes

This year, Le Voyage à Nantes has invited schools located on the Île de Nantes, in the Quartier de la Création, to join its programme. The aim of this initiative is to highlight local talent and promote the various artistic disciplines developed in the city. ESMA, with its multidisciplinary approach and reputation in the visuel arts, is a partner of choice to enrich this cultural adventure. 

ESMA projects at the core of the programme 

ESMA is making a significant contribution to the Voyage à Nantes with two flagship projects.

Animated short films at Architecture School 

At the School of Architecture, visitors will have the opportunity to admire seven short animated films made by our Nantes-based students. These works, entitled Familiers, Je suis un caillou, Le Roi Tulipe, Flipou, Ce fruit, Un papa en carton, and Vidalia, are the fruit of months of hard work and creativity. Each short film offers a unique and poetic vision, relfecting the talent and originality of our students.

ESMA’s Cabinet of Curiosities : La Bestiole

Visitors to the ESMA campus will be able to discover an unprecedented large-scale project : the La Bestiole curiosity cabinet. Ce projet est l’aboutissement de plusieurs semaines de travail intensif. Les étudiants se This project is the culmination of several weeks of intensive work. The students asked themselves some fundamental questions : how do you represent and bring to life a new world ? How should these imaginary insects bed told and staged ? 

Our students’ showcases invite you to plunge into the wolrd of 3D animation and offer a scientific and artistic exploration. The niches, clad in plant-based graphic frescoes, reveal 3D animations shown continuously, creating an immersive experience. The scientific cabinet is made up of extracts from drawings, research and objects such as old books, jars and frames containing 3D printed insects. 

In their quest for realism, the students observed specimens at the Nantes Natural History Museum and then invented, modelled and animated their creations. The real insects on loan from the museum, exhibited alongside the 3D printed and hand-painted versions, blur the boundaries between reality and fiction. The graphic research and naturalised insects, presented in frames, illustrate this blend of period and modernity. Throughout this project, our students navigated between nararative, graphic and technical research, each choice contributing to a total creation. 

a unique visit with local influencers 

This year, Le Voyage à Nantes has organised a special visit with local influencers, enabling the experience to be shared with an even wider and more diverse audience. The aim of this initiative is to raise the profile of the projects and generate excityement about the creativity of Nantes students.

A relevant and enriching integration

ESMA’s inclusion in the Voyage à Nantes 2024 highlights the relevance and richness of such a project. Taking part in this event not only allows us to showcase the talent of our students, but also to contribute to the city’s cultural dynamic. ESMA is proud to be part of this adventure, offering the public innovative and captivating works that celebrate art and creativity in all its forms.