Study in Bordeaux
Always in good position in the lists of the best cities to live in, Bordeaux has shown over the past years a strong will to spread its cultural influence. It is in this dynamic city, full of surprises, that ESMA has chosen to offer its courses.
It is in the heart of the Euratlantique business and innovation district that students can train in artistic professions, in living and working conditions that meet their expectations, benefiting in particular from state-of-the-art equipment and tools.
ESMA Bordeaux: join the Animation Film course!
On its Bordeaux campus, ESMA offers the CG Animation & FX Master Degree (professional cycle in 5 years), which prepares the future international leaders in animation. ESMA Bordeaux also offers a one-year Entertainment Prep course, which allows students to acquire all the basic knowledge and skills needed to enter the Animation Film program.

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Close to the train station
The Campus
In Bordeaux, ESMA welcomes its students in the heart of an innovative building covering an area of 12,500 m². This eco-campus, designed to meet environmental challenges, is a place to live and work, where each student can find the necessary facilities to flourish. Large and bright classrooms, high-end facilities, high-tech equipment, as well as a fitness center, a green roof terrace, vegetable gardens… All these elements are part of this philosophy, and students can enjoy them according to their desires and needs.
The Bordeaux campus also includes an Artemisia residence, whose 307 fully-equipped apartments are primarily intended for students from Icônes schools (ESMA & CinéCréatis).