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Workshop making a travel diary

School . 09 May. 2019
Cycle Pro Animation 3D & Effets Spéciaux / Toulouse

Christophe Dougnac, painter and author of fantastic novels, gave a workshop with our Toulouse students around the theme of the travel diary.

The first year students of CG Animation & FX section of Toulouse took part in an unusual workshop: that of making a travel diary. But not on any trip since, for an afternoon, they slipped into the skin of an explorer, to discover fantastic and marvelous lands which they had to narrate the story. To make this project a reality, they were accompanied by the speaker Christophe Dougnac, painter and author of fantastic novels.

This workshop was part of a six-week project led by their teacher, Julien Boulet, professor of illustration.

To realize this exercise, the students had to resort with talent to their creativity to let express their imagination. The imaginary countries were particularly suited to this subject because it is a fantastic playground (no pun intended;)) to let his imagination express itself without limit. Thus, the students went to meet fauns, goblins, goddesses, chimeras and other malicious plants.


At first, the artist Christophe Dougnac held a conference during which he worked to break the divides between painting and writing and pushed students to question the process of creation.

The goal was to make them aware that the two are not necessarily opposed and can help each other to achieve a unique creation.


The conference was then followed by a practice exercise. The students were to assume the role of an explorer discovering a map leading to a fantastic land hitherto unexplored. A travel diary was to be made to immortalize and report on this fabulous epic. Everything had to be listed: various notes, sketches, sketches of fauna and flora, peoples encountered …

Through various techniques, such as the creation of abstract works, he invited students to imagine, extract forms that will become visual creations as well as screenwriters. Students could start from a pre-existing universe as a source of inspiration but had to move away quickly to create their own universe.

Fortunately, they were not alone to carry out this mission: Julien Boulet, their teacher, and Christophe Dougnac were present at their side, also wandering from worlds to worlds. This allowed the students to work and exchange both on the drawing and the reflection that lives in it.


Christophe Dougnac is a complete artist handling both letters and brushes. Specialized in imaginary worlds, he restores his escapades through paintings, travel books or novels. This passionate also does not hesitate to transmit his art by teaching in schools or through courses organized in its premises.

Located in Fleurance, his workshop is open to those who wish to share a moment with him and discuss the artistic approach.

To make his projects a reality, he does not hesitate to use crowdfunding, as with his Voie-Y-Age travel book or his Songeurs de Monde art book.